Top Tips For Perfect Christmas Decorations

11th Dec 2022
Top Tips For Perfect Christmas Decorations

There’s nothing like dusting off your Christmas decorations to create that first rush of festive cheer. It’s a fun activity for kids, and most adults too of course! However, there is often a fine line between adding that perfect seasonal sparkle, and going OOT to create a cluttered and tacky looking home. Here’s some tips to strike the right balance.

Start with a deep clean

Give your house a thorough clean before you begin, so you are starting with a clean slate.  Go through each room and have a decluttering session, so that there is plenty of space to show off the decorations to full effect.

Plan your colour schemes

Classic Christmas colour schemes include red, green, and gold. These colours will add festive cheer to any room, and are particularly great for older properties, which are decorated in a more traditional or vintage style. If your home has a more minimalist contemporary feel, white, blue, or metallic colour schemes may suit it better.

There are no rules about which colours you should use where of course, and you can just follow your heart and just do what makes you happy. However, if you are aiming for a stylish Christmas domestic set up to impress guests, a consistent colour palette throughout the house can work well, and prevent it looking too busy. 

Less can be more

It can be tempting to hang every Christmassy item you have, whether that’s new purchases, or older decorations which have accumulated over the years. You will probably have some perennial favourites which you always use, but be wary of decorating every corner of your home just for the sake of using what is available. 

Sometimes a more subtle touch here and there works better, such as Christmas cushion covers or bedding sets, rather the full works with fairy lights and tinsel. 

Take your time with the tree

Christmas trees can be deceptively difficult to get right—how hard can hanging a few baubles be after all? However, there is an art to showing it off to full advantage, with a pleasing balance of colours, lights, and sparkle. 

Start by ensuring that it is securely anchored, and not leaning to one side. If you have a skirt for the base, add this on. If the tree is an artificial one, fluff out the branches to make it look fuller. Now add the lights. Softer white lights have been popular for many years, but coloured lights are making a comeback, so go with whatever is your preference.

Larger trees can stand bigger bulbs, but smaller trees look better with traditional fairy bulbs. Choose a set of lights with a green cord, to avoid spoiling the overall impression of the décor. Drape the lights evenly throughout the whole tree, starting from the top. Be sure to set some deeper towards the trunk, to light the tree from the inside.

Next, add your topper, such as a star, an angel, or a bow. You could always make your own with a ribbon, a cardboard cut-out, or some wood if you have carving skills. If you leave adding the topper til last, it will be more difficult, because the decorations will add volume and you may disturb all your hard work. 

When adding the rest of the decorations, hang the larger and heavier items to the middle and the base of the tree, and more towards the centre, where the branches are thicker and stronger. Keep to a coordinated colour palette of three or four shades, to avoid a haphazard effect.

Keep stepping back from the tree to make sure you have the decorations well balanced, and are not overcrowding some areas, and leaving other parts too bare. Think about the texture of the decorations too; have a good balance of shiny smooth surfaces, matt surfaces, and glittery items to add some interest and variety. 

For the finishing touches, add in any favourite sentimental items, such as trinkets you picked up on holiday, or things that your children have made. If you are unsure how to personalise your tree, you could always go for the trend for all things natural, and use painted pine cones, flower sprays, feathers, acorns, and dried fruits. 

Another Christmas tree trend this year is scented ornaments, to create that freshly cut fragrance for artificial trees. You could alternatively use traditional seasonal fragrances such as cinnamon, winter berries, or sandalwood. Finish it all off with a tree skirt to protect your flooring from needle drop and cover the legs of the stand.