Which Interior Design Trends Are Out For 2023?

31st Dec 2022
Which Interior Design Trends Are Out For 2023?

The world of interior design seems to move in ever faster cycles of fashion, and it can be hard to keep up. After  all, most of us don’t have the time or inclination to redecorate our homes every single year. If you feel happy, secure and comfortable in your surroundings then there is no reason to change anything. 

However, when it comes to the time when you fancy a change, the sheer volume and pace of interior trends can be overwhelming. Of course, ultimately you should go with your own personal taste because you will be the one who will be living with the results. 

Yet many of us enjoy keeping up with the latest fashions, and want a stylish and contemporary home to entertain guests or to boost its value in the property market. Here’s a look at which trends are considered to be on the wane this year.

Cold neutral colour schemes

The craze for minimalist and starkly neutral interiors is finally starting to recede, according to House & Garden. It seems that the all-white or grey interior trend is now viewed as too cold and lacking in personality, and the emphasis is on creating a more joyful and inviting atmosphere. 

If you want to give your home a more contemporary look this year, it’s all about making bolder use of colour. This doesn’t have to mean going for bright yellow walls or orange curtains if that idea just feels like too much; it could be done by simply adding splashes of colour here and there with rugs, blankets, or throws, for example.

Another way to approach the trend if you are cautious about colour is to lean into the ‘warm neutral’ palette. This means choosing richer colours but in muted shades, such as mocha, caramel, or dusky pink. 

Open plan layouts

The drive towards open plan living over the past couple of decades showed no signs of slowing down, then the pandemic hit and our worlds were turned upside down overnight. Suddenly, millions of people around the world had to adapt to working, socialising, relaxing and eating from within the confines of their own home.

This brought into sharp focus the value of privacy and boundaries within the home. Therefore, there is now much more emphasis on compartmentalisation and creating purposeful zones for each activity, to avoid a constant blurring of boundaries between work, leisure, and relaxation.

Clinical looking kitchens

The pristine white or grey kitchen that resembles a science laboratory is widely predicted to fall out of favour this year. After all, the kitchen should be the heart of the home, and anyone who genuinely enjoys cooking tends to have a lively and colourful kitchen full of interesting ingredients and favourite jugs and bowls. 

This year, kitchens will be about more realistically reflecting their function as a place where people enjoy gathering to cook, eat, or just hang out for a chat over a glass of wine while the chef of the house does their thing. 

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